
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pelbagai XtVT

this week my dear laling xde di rumah...g TENANG menjalankan kewajipan utk anak bangsa =) luck 1st n 2nd daughter bz gak menyiapkan homework n study..MJI bz with the bicycle also his mama, with all related job n bsness...hepi2 to all of us n ALLAH bless always with the rezeki yg berkat n halal...thk ALLAH =))

Monday, January 3, 2011

long time no see ;D

mmg lama x menjenguk blog ni...bila nk update je..bujg sorang tu pn sebok nk join...hari ni anak dara 2 org sekolah..ieman still with his mimpi ; ku meng'update'kn blog..hehehhehe

sunyi sepi umah bila anak2 having their learning at school..elyn in primary 1 Kenanga & dina countiues in 5 Kenanga..alhamdullilah, both of them using new building at school..sgt selesa n terima kasih kepada Kementerian Pendidikan & Kerajaan Malaysia.

In december 2010 n january 2011..x bole diet..coz byk celebration of birth, so..mkn n mkn =)

 mom brownies
 hubby, elyn n ieman cake
mom butter cake

so..nnt i'll update lg pelbagai jenis cake n empunya cake ;p